Let’s Celebrate Christmas Whenever We Can

Let’s Celebrate Christmas Whenever We Can

As a LEO wife, there are certain holidays I despise, because they drag on and on for a LEO family, or they’re incomplete because he misses them every year.


For example… Christmas. Christmas has always been a hard holiday for us, because we were both raised differently. One of us had Santa and presents, and the other had Jesus and presence. But we were married for 4 years before he became a LEO, and had figured out how we best loved to celebrate. It included extended family leading up to Christmas, and then just our family on Christmas, celebrating Jesus and all that we’re thankful for. Then enter kids. Then enter grandparents. Then enter the LEO work schedule.

When the kids were little, we could change the day, but as they grew and became aware down to the DAY how far away from Christmas we were, we realized how we would need to shift our approach. If he’s scheduled for Christmas, we now celebrate on Christmas Eve, or wait until he gets home directly after Christmas, but our families still want to see us, which means extended celebrations for weeks after Christmas and into the new year as we use up all his weekend days to travel so no one is left out. It is exhausting. And I hate it.

All That To Say This

So the confession is this. I’d rather not see anyone over the holidays. It’s too much work to shimmy a schedule around that they don’t understand anyways, and by the time we’re able to get together, I’m worn out and just want to get the decorations put away and move on with my life.

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