6 Ways To Reduce Anxiety As A Police Wife

6 Ways To Reduce Anxiety As A Police Wife

Being a police wife is not for the faint of heart. Not only do you have to deal with the day-to-day stress of living with a law enforcement officer, being in tune to the slightly different way they do things (anyone who’s given up the seat facing the door knows what I mean), but you also have to contend with the very real possibility that your husband trains for the thing that might make it so he doesn’t come home at night. It’s a lot to handle, and it’s no wonder that so many police wives suffer from anxiety. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help reduce your anxiety as a police wife.

Here are Six of them: 

1. Get involved in your community. One of the best ways to reduce anxiety as a police wife is to get involved in your community. Whether it’s through volunteering, joining a local organization, or just being active in social media groups, getting involved will help you feel more connected and less alone. It’s also a great way to meet other people who understand what you’re going through. Seek out police wife groups through your husbands department. There’s sometimes some fun things going on, like ladies nights, or regular support groups.

2. Take care of yourself. It’s important to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. In order to be there for your husband, you need to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself first. This means eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking time for yourself when you need it. That sometimes can seem like a daunting task, but even something small like heading to the school pick up line 5 min. early to grab a coffee that you get to drink in silence while you wait can make a huge difference in reducing your anxiety! I am not an early morning riser, but if I can get in a quick workout before my kids get up for school, my whole day seems to go better!

3. Pray. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help to reduce anxiety as a police wife. Whenever you start to feel anxious, take a few minutes to pray for your husband’s safety. Ask God to watch over him and protect him while he’s out on the job. You may even want to consider joining a prayer group for police families. 

4. Talk about your feelings. Repressing your feelings will only make them worse in the long run. Talk to your husband about how you’re feeling and share your concerns with him. He can’t read your mind, so he needs to know what’s going on in order to help out where he can. The more you can stay connected with him, the less anxious you may feel because you’ll know he’s thinking about you too.

5. Seek professional help if needed. If you find that your anxiety is starting to interfere with your daily life, then it may be time to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it! There’s no shame in making sure our mental game is as strong as it can be!

6. Use the right tools. There are a few “helper items” out there that can help decrease anxiety. I personally use the adult version of a fidget spinner or pop-it. It’s a watch that will play pre-programmed frequencies for anxiety reduction and 180 different common issues. The frequencies are absorbed by our bodies and work in the intended area! The medical science behind it awesome. You can check it out here. If you read about this watch and want to grab one for yourself, you can use the code JESSICA100 to get $100 off. I’ve used it successfully for anxiety, sleeplessness, general cold and flu symptoms, and to support strong connective tissues in my joints. (I know… it seems so random but it truly does help!) It works very similarly to an ultrasound, which is electrical frequencies, or an e-stem device.

You might need to try a few of these solutions to help reduce your anxiety as a police wife. There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach as we’re all different and we all have different needs. If you try one of these and it doesn’t work for you, don’t be afraid to try another! The important thing is that we do the hard work to manage and reduce our anxiety so that we can be better for our families.

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